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10 Reasons why Neuroscience Adds Value to Coaching

Neuroscience is a subject that is getting mentioned more and more in the context of coaching, training and organisational development. But while it may be a subject of great interest, the question people should be asking is; what are the benefits?
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How stories engage our brains

Effective communication is all about getting one person to understand another - understanding the words they use, the context, nuance etc. We achieve this when our brains are aligned, and the more aligned they become, the more effective the communication.  read article

DNA: The Influence of Genetics in Learning & Development

Recent research reveals that a persons DNA has a far larger impact on their psychological make-up than ever previously thought, with it's impact ranging from reading ability to academic performance. But if performance is pre-programmed, are educationalists wasting their time?  read article

Neuroscience: Big News or Fake News?

Today the brain sells, and it seems that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, from neuro drinks to neuro hair straighteners! So does neuroscience really have a place in the world of coaching, training and organisational development, or is this yet more fake news?  read article

We are one people

We humans have a tendency to argue, squabble and fight over even the most minor of issues. But when it comes to the major issues, it would serve us well to remember that there is vastly more that unites us than that which divides us.  read article

Stress, cortisol and your brain

Our body's fight or flight response is designed to save us in an emergency, but the same processes and chemicals that are designed to help us can, in other circumstances, do more harm than good. In this article we look at the damage that stress can cause and the steps we can take to limit the damage.  read article

Interview with Shekhar Manelkar

Gill McKay interviews Shekhar Manelkar, Business Partner of MyBrain International in India and founder of The MindMine  read article

Take a break, even if you only have two minutes

When time is short and we have a lot to do, human nature is such that we often feel it best to knuckle-down and stick at the task in hand until it is finished. Recent research however, suggests that taking regular breaks may actually help us get the task done faster and better.   read article

Interview with MyBrain Practitioner Anupama Vaidya

Gill McKay, Director at MyBrain International, speaks to Anupama Vaidya about her work as a MyBrain Practitioner in India.  read article

The Limitations of Brain Scanning Technology

The colourful brain scan images that today accompany virtually every article about the brain are extremely alluring, but do they really provide the insight into the workings of our brains that they claim?  read article

Be grateful for everything

There is a saying that suggests we should all be grateful for small mercies. Now neuroscientists have discovered evidence of biological reasons why the saying is true  read article

How stories engage our brains

Human thoughts and emotions work through the connection of multiple cells and regions in the brain. When our thoughts are similar to those of another person, it is therefore because similar regions 'light up' in both people's brains. Achieving alignment in this way can be very valuable, and recent research suggests story-telling can be of help.  read article

Carl Gustav Jung v Jungian Psychometrics

Ever since the development of the famous MBTI, numerous psychometric tools have been developed that claim to be 'Jungian'. But if Carl Jung were alive today, would he rejoice in the recognition that these instruments afford him or take them to court for defaming his good name?  read article

Sarcasm Increases Creativity

It is always wise to be a little bit sceptical of headlines that claim things such as "Chocolate is good for your brain", but recent headlines claiming that sarcasm aids creativity do appear to offer some scientific substance.
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Empathy and the Myth of Mirror Neurons

Empathy is the ability to understand and know what another person is feeling - but how is that possible? In this article we look at the science behind empathy and in particular at the concept of a special class of brain cell that some scientists believe exists to create empathy  read article

Groupthink and the fear of standing alone

In the eyes of the law adults are individuals, capable of making their own decisions and responsible for their own actions. But evidence suggests that people in groups have the potential for becoming embroiled in a form of Group psychosis, where their actions and behaviour is directed more by the group than by themselves.  read article

Yawning cools your brain

Yawning is a strange thing - we do it when we are tired or when we are bored; we even tend to do it simply because someone else has yawned. The biological explanation was that the purpose of yawning is to re-oxygenate our blood, but new research suggests that it may also serve to cool our brains.  read article

Neurological Dominance and Recruitment

Is there a role for the subject of Neurological Dominance in recruitment? And if so, how should it be used? In this article Alistair Schofield explains how he has used the subject for this purpose in several organisations.  read article

Selective Hearing

And finally, the news you've all been waiting for - it turns out that there is a medical reason why we sometimes don't hear the important things that our husbands or wives tell us. But be very careful how you use this information, as we only 'tune out' sounds that we regard as irrelevant!  read article

Brain Fitness and "Cognitive Reserve"

It is well known that exercise is an important element in keeping our bodies fit and healthy, but strangely, research suggests that although physical exercise will improve our emotional state, it does nothing to make our brains any healthier, for this we need a different sort of fitness regime.  read article

The Political Brain

Research prompted by an off-hand remark by actor Colin Firth has found that the brains of Conservatives are physically different to those of people who support the Labour Party.  read article

Sleeping your way to the top

Did you know that on average we are sleeping 2 hours a night less than we were in the 1960s and that this reduction in sleep could be damaging to the economy?  read article

Eyes in the back of your head

A number of cases have recently come to light of people who are blind and yet can recognise the emotions in an expression, judge the size of objects without touching them and navigate their way around an obstacle course without touching the obstacles.  read article

Anxiety, fear and safety

Scientists have recently discovered that just as humans have neural circuits that alert us to danger, we also have circuits that respond to safety and that it is these circuits that create a sense of wellbeing and happiness.  read article

Over-loaded brains and shorter attention-spans

In our media-rich, 7x24 society our brains are bombarded with more information than at any time in history. The question is whether all this data is beneficial, in stimulating our brains, or detrimental, by causing constant distractions and shortening our attention-span. It would appear that currently the jury is out.  read article

What is thinking?

People generally see thinking as a process; something that should be done in a certain way – their way. In reality, we all process information in different ways, which is why people can draw different conclusions from the same information. So what is thinking and why is it that we think differently?  read article

Empathy and expression - an amazing finding!

Have you even noticed how people tend to copy the facial expressions and body language of the people they are with? Read on to find out why.  read article

Management, Leadership and the Whole-Brained Approach

Sir Martin Sorrell once said: "I can't remember which is which, whether it's left brain or right brain: but one is quantitative and one is qualitative and getting the balance between the two is critically important."  read article

What is really going on inside the heads of children?

We are all familiar with the physical changes a person goes through as they mature from being a baby through to an adult, what is less well known is that the brain grows, develops and changes at the same time.  read article

Curvy women are more intelligent

Some interesting research has emerged that implies that curvy women may have a higher IQ than leaner, less curvaceous women, that their children will be smarter too and that men are attracted to them due to the process of natural selection.  read article

Use it or lose it

It is now generally accepted that regular mental stimulation can reduce the risk of people developing neurological degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's in later life, but does it also follow therefore that cleverer people are less likely to suffer from dementia?   read article

Are love and hate the same?

Even though the emotions of hate and love both seem to be all-consuming passions, hatred is more calculating and deliberate in its actions and responses. New research shows that the brain's "love" and "hate" circuits share identical structures and demonstrates that intensity of hatred can be measured.  read article

Learning from mistakes

An "early warning signal" from the lower region of the brain is now known to help us avoid repeating previous mistakes - not just consciously analysing what went wrong.  read article

God in the Brain

Since we know which parts of the brain are used when we speak, listen or even learn, it must be possible to determine which parts of the brain are used in religious belief. If we can determine that, it may be possible to answer the question how we believe? And perhaps even why we believe?  read article

Could Facebook be a risk to your mental health?

During an interview with the Daily Mail the eminent neurologist Baroness Susan Greenfield suggested that social networking sites could be damaging our children's mental health and actually "rewiring" their brains.  read article

Is "Baby Brain" all in the Mind?

Many mothers, including Kate Winslet and Myleene Klass, claim to have suffered from 'baby brain' or 'preg head', a condition characterised by lapses in memory and befuddled thinking. In this article we look at three studies, all of which appear to contradict one another.  read article


Following the recent cases of Carol Thatcher and Jeremy Clarkson, we consider why it is that people who should be on their guard and should know better often slip up and say inappropriate things.   read article

Addicts' brains struggle with big decisions

A study by Charlotte Boettiger of the University of North Carolina has concluded that the brains of alcoholics and drug addicts "may not fully process the long-term consequences of their choices".  read article

Found - the gene that controls brain size

Scientists in Edinburgh have identified a gene that controls the size of the human brain and body. The team studied families who have members with Seckel syndrome, a condition which retards growth in the womb leading to short stature and markedly reduced brain size, known as microcephaly.  read article

Atkins diet can damage your memory

A study at the University of Massachusetts has found that low-carbohydrate diets can lead to a reduction in memory performance after just one week.  read article

How colour coding may reveal the workings of the brain

Professor Jeff Lictman of Harvard University has developed a technique for painting brain cells with different fluorescent colours to show what happens in the brain in the case of certain mental disorders. He call the resultant coloured images "Brainbows".  read article

How do actors memorise their lines?

Michael Boyd of the Royal Shakespeare Company and the famous neuroscientist Dr Oliver Sacs compare notes to find out how actors are able to perform the complex feat of remembering not only their lines, but also where to go on the stage and what emotions to portray.   read article