MyBrain Seminars
Our customers tell us that the tools and materials we supply are the best things they have ever come across for improving the performance of both individuals and teams - they improve self-confidence, collaboration, communication and performance. But rather than taking our word for it, we are always happy to provide proof.
We therefore run occasional seminars so that people interested in becoming Practitioners, or organisations interested in using our tools and materials internally, can gain a first-hand insight into why a MiND workshop can be so effective.
A modest charge is usually levied for attendance at these seminars.
The seminar provide:
- An overview of the neuroscientific research that has led to the identification of the causal link between the psychology of a person and the physiology of their brain.
- An explanation of how that research led to the development of MiND, the world’s first neurometric.
- Details of how MiND differs from psychological profiling tools including an explanation as to why those differences are so valuable in team-building, leadership, coaching and numerous other applications.
- A demonstration of the ways in which MiND and the subject of neuroscience provides people with genuinely new insights into why they are the way they are and in what ways other people are different.
- Details of how you could become a MyBrain Practitioner and use our neuroscience-based tools and materials in your own training or coaching work.
Who should attend?
The seminars are aimed at senior managers, trainers and HR professionals who are interested in either becoming an accredited MyBrain Practitioner themselves or in learning how the use of the MiND tool could benefit their organisation. If you do not meet this criteria but would still like to attend, please get in touch as we are always delighted to accommodate interested people if there is space available.
Forthcoming workshops:
We are currently in the process of arranging further dates for seminars in the UK, Malta and India. If you would be interested in attending any of these events please email us at the address at the foot of this page providing your details. We will then notify you as and when a seminar is aranged in your area.
Click here for more information on the MyBrain Practitioner programme.
To contact MyBrain International, email us at